Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1, 2013

Tomorrow  is my 55th birthday and I have so much to be grateful for!  Lately I have really felt such a confirmation of what is most important in life.  My family and my faith....everything else is secondary.  I am so grateful for my calling as YW president because it has helped me to stay focused and forced me to put my spiritual needs as a top priority.  It has allowed me to keep a close relationship with Molly, and we have been able to work together on projects and ideas for YW.  My calling requires a big commitment from me but the blessings I receive are so much greater!  I receive inspiration not only within the realms of my calling, but also in my everyday life.   Taylor, work on your personal progress, for you will gain a greater testimony by doing so and you will have a better understanding of where you fit in the big picture. Kimberly, work on it yourself with Taylor and I promise you that you will grow closer  as you work on common goals  and gain a greater testimony that you are a daughter of God.   I am sad that I was not there as much as I should have been when especially Cassand and Kim were in YW.  I was some with Beth but not enough.  I also wish that you boys would have stayed in YM, because the things that you learn and the growth that can happen are such a wonderful strength in life.    So, I guess what I am saying is, serving the Lord in my calling is one of the most wonderful blessings I have.   You can say I am "churchy" and I will take that as a compliment :)   It is interesting that at work, people are constantly apologizing when they swear or tell something inappropriate in front of me.  I mentioned just last night to my co-workers how I don't say things to them (well occasionally I will cover my ears, lol) and yet they are aware of my standards and feel bad when they say those things around me....and the response I got from one nurse was, "well, we respect you".  That made me feel good, to know that by my example I am making a difference. 
I want you to know, that although life is not exactly as I thought it would be at age 55, life is still good, and I am content and happy.  I remember what President Monson always says about enjoying the journey.  I am enjoying the journey of my life....because I have each of you that I love so much and show me so much love in return.....and I have a deep love for my Savior and a testimony that my membership in His church is right and true, even though the world says differently.  I am happy to be different,to be one of the "peculiar people"
I am grateful that I have lived 55 years with relatively good health.  I am constantly reminded that my dad was 53  (2 years younger than me) when he had his massive heart attack and was just three years older that me when he died.  My mom was around 52ish when she had her breast cancer and a year later had her heart attack......  Again, I know it is because of the gospel in my life that I can have better health.  We do come from good stock despite the fact that my parents died at young grandfather Henry lived well in to his 90's.   He never smoked or drank and was the kindest man!   One day you will be able to meet all of them.
I am amazed at the next generation coming up, how strong and wonderful they are....I am talking about you Taylor, Ethan, Cameron, Cooper, Chase, and soon to be born Kate!  You will do great things in your lives!

All of you, please remember who you are, that you have a large family that loves you, and that as you live a life worthy of the blessings Heavenly Father has waiting for you, you will have joy and happiness now in this life, and an even greater joy in the next life.   I love you all so very much!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012, the beginning....

      For quite some time I have been pondering how I could send each of you the thoughts of my heart in such a way to reach all of you, to have a family home evening with each of you even though some are far away.  I have thought about a family newsletter, or mass email but then it came to me, what about a blog just for my children and grandchildren?  Thus, "You are the loves of my life" was born.
Today is Mother's Day 2012 and it is one of the happiest days of my life.  Each of you are so special to me and I love you with all my heart!  Being a mother had brought the greatest joy in my life.
When I was growing up, my mother was one of the most important people in my life.  She was such a wonderful example to me of what a mother should be.  She loved my dad with all her heart and together they showered each of their children with that love.   My mother(along with my dear father) taught me the importance of family and of always being there to listen and guide your children. By her side and her example, I learned how to love and care for babies and family.  Her children and grandchildren were precious to her and she always put her family's needs first before her own.   Although she was not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,  she had a strong belief in God and raised her children to live the commandments and to be kind and loving to others.  She stayed home to nurture and care for her children and it was where she most wanted to be. 
When I joined the church, it just reaffirmed to me the things my sweet mother had taught me about home and family and the mother's role. The teachings of the church have continued to strengthen me and make me the mother and person I am today.  I feel very blessed to have been able to be home for all the years I was and have that time with each of my children.  I have never been the perfect mother, but I have been perfect in my love for you and my desire for whats best for you.

“There is no role in life more essential and more eternal than that of motherhood,” says Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. 
Elder Ballard affirms mothers’ divine role in cherishing and teaching their children.  “There is no one perfect way to be a good mother,” he says.  “Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children.” 
Among the most important roles of a mother is the call to nurture, Elder Ballard says. “A mother’s nurturing love arouses in children, from their earliest days on earth, an awakening of the memories of love and goodness they experienced in their pre-mortal existence,” he declares.  “Because our mothers love us, we learn, or more accurately remember, that God also loves us.”

Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles says a mother’s influence is eternal and infinite. “Who can justly measure the righteous influence of a mother’s love? What enduring fruits result from the seeds of truth that a mother carefully plants and lovingly cultivates in the fertile soil of a child’s trusting mind and heart?”
“As a mother you have been given divine instincts to help you sense your child’s special talents and unique capacities,” says Elder Scott.

 I have learned, without a doubt, that each of you are unique and special in your own way.  Each of you learn differently and have your own talents and interests.   I want you to know that each one of you are a joy to me  Some of you have stretched me as a mother with some of the challenges you presented  :) 
I want you each to know that I pray for each of you individually each day, that my heart aches when you are hurting, that I am full of joy when you are happy.    I also want each of you to know that I know we have a loving Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who loves us unconditionally and are always there for us.  That we have an elder brother, Jesus Christ, who loves us so much that He took upon Himself all our sins and sorrows and experiences so that we could return to Heavenly Father.  I know our prayers are heard and answered and that we are never alone.   I know that the Holy Ghost is there to comfort and guide us, if we but ask.  I am not just saying these things out of habit or because I think I should...I BELIEVE it with all my heart.  I hope that over the years I have been able to teach you of Christ, whether by sitting on my lap as we read the stories of the scriptures or through my example.  Do you remember the story in the Book of Mormon of Helaman and the 2000 Stripling Warriors and how they fought the Lamanites and not one was lost? 
  Alma 56:47,48
 "yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them.  And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it."

 I pray that you all know and do not doubt that your mother knows this to be true also.   I love each of you and on this Mother's Day, I am so thankful for the gift of each of you in my life.
Stay strong and be kind and loving to those around you, especially those in your own home.